15 Ways To Start a Killer Book Club and Keep The Momentum Going

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Hey, bookworms! So, are you dreaming of ways to start a killer book club? Fret not! We’ve got your literary journey covered. Jump into this ultimate guide, where we spill the tea on creating a book club that’s as exciting as the plot twists in your favorite novels!

Ways To Start a Killer Book Club by Picking Your Tribe

group of friends
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Choosing the right members is like assembling the Avengers for a literary mission. Seek diverse interests and backgrounds to spice up your discussions, making sure everyone feels welcome.

The Perfect Name Game

young woman sticking out her tongue holding a coffee and book
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Why settle for “Book Club” when you can be the “Page Turners” or “Literary Explorers”? A catchy name sets the tone for a club that’s as vibrant as its reading list.

Setting the Tone with a Killer First Read

man happy in front of a pile of books
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Opt for a book that packs a punch but isn’t too intimidating for your debut. Consider crowd-pleasers like “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee or “The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas to kick things off with a bang.

Mix It Up

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Variety is the spice of book club life! Rotate genres each month to keep things fresh. Dive into a classic like “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen and then swing into the realm of fantasy with “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” by J.K. Rowling.

Reading Nooks and Snacks

woman comfy reading a book
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Create a cozy reading space and add a dash of excitement with theme-based snacks. Imagine sipping butterbeer while discussing “Harry Potter” or indulging in Turkish delight for “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” by C.S. Lewis.

Set a Date and Stick to It

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Consistency is key! Choose a regular meeting time that suits everyone, ensuring your book club becomes a cherished routine rather than a rare occurrence.

Dress the Part

the great gatsby
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Elevate the experience by encouraging themed attire related to your book. Dive into the 1920s for “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald or don Hogwarts robes for a magical touch.

Discussion Guidelines

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Establish some ground rules for discussions to ensure everyone has a chance to share their thoughts. Consider using discussion questions or prompts to keep the conversation flowing.

Guest Stars

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Invite authors for virtual Q&A sessions. Many writers love connecting with readers, so why not reach out? Imagine chatting with the brilliant mind behind “The Night Circus,” Erin Morgenstern!

Interactive Challenges

trivia night sign
Image Credit_ DepositPhotos Soifer

Spice up meetings with book-related games or challenges. Think bookish trivia, literary charades, or even a book cover redesign competition.

Create a Digital Hub

woman outside on computer
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Set up a virtual space for your club using platforms like Goodreads or a dedicated Facebook group. This allows for ongoing discussions, shared recommendations, and easy communication.

Themed Movie Nights

young woman watching movie
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Occasionally, take a break from reading and host a movie night featuring film adaptations of your club’s favorite books. Watch “The Lord of the Rings” after conquering J.R.R. Tolkien’s trilogy together.

Book Swap Extravaganza

book swap
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Encourage members to bring a book they love and exchange it with another club member. It’s a fantastic way to find hidden gems and mix up your reading list.

Celebrate Milestones

happy woman
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Acknowledge the completion of a set number of books or club anniversaries with small celebrations. Raise a toast to your reading achievements with a literary-themed party.

Stay Open-Minded

woman thinking
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Flexibility is the secret sauce for a successful book club. Embrace different opinions, and remember that the journey of discovery is as important as the destination. Happy reading, explorers!

Motherhood Life Balance, Bookworm Era | + posts

Victoria Cornell helps women adopt a positive mindset even when the struggles of motherhood feel overwhelming. On her sites, Motherhood Life Balance, Neon Moon and Bookworm Era she writes about ways to reduce stress with mindset, manifesting, goal planning, productivity, and more.